Welcome to the magical world of Madam Treacle. Situated in the heart of the South Down in East Sussex, the designers of Madam Treacle work away in their converted hayloft studio to bring you all sorts of wonderfully colourful and detailed cards and coasters. Madam Treacle greeting cards take influence from a wide range of vintage images and ephemera. This might be from vintage French perfume bottles or old railway posters to elegant wallpaper or seed packet designs. This all comes together in a marvelous mélange which mixes the best of the old and the new with a clever and classy touch. There are cards here for specific celebrations such as birthdays and valentines day, as well as cards which are free to be used for any occasion on which you wish to let someone know how much they mean to you.
Birthday greeting cards
If you are after birthday cards which are going to stand out from the pack, then Madam Treacle's designs might just be for you. Those who are fans of animals would especially love to receive one of these cards, as many of the whimsical designs feature creatures such as cats, sheep, tigers and hummingbirds as stars of the show. With many of the cards, these are not just your standard animal illustrations. In fact, much of the design is inspired by animal art from specific eras in history. This gives these cards a unique feel. Not only are the birthday cards things of visual beauty, but they are also produced in a high quality and ethical manner, with each card being made out of the highest quality UK sourced FSC certified & recyclable materials.
Valentines greeting cards
Looking for a card for your loved one? Madam Treacle has plenty to explore. Characteristic of such a unique brand, Madam Treacle's valentines cards focus on the key theme of love, but do so in a style which stands out from the rest. Take a look for instance in the cherub themed card which depicts a golden cherub on a dark blue and red background with the key to your heart in its hands. The gorgeous contrast of glittery gold and darker hues makes these cards deeply impactful. Similarly, Madam Treacle have not left their quirky touch at the door with their animal themed valentines cards. These blend the message of 'I love you' with an eye-catching scene of pastoral beauty which once again brings with it a unique visual twist.
Madame Treacle coasters
As well as the cards, there are also some excellent Madam Treacle coasters. Many of these, as with some of the cards too, are inspired by the world of Alice in Wonderland. These Alice in Wonderland coasters feature a brilliantly evocative illustration of the march hare in all his glory. As with the cards, the quality of the coasters themselves are just as important to Madam Treacle as the attractiveness of the designs. As such, these high quality ceramic coasters with cork backs will be long lasting accompaniments to that morning cup of tea or coffee!